Dear ladies and gentlemen!


         LLC “CemClub Company” together with a group of companies “Syntez OKA” in the framework of its information and educational activities will hold the next thematic seminar for specialists in cement enterprises, on the topic: "Modern technologies and equipment for the extraction, transportation, crushing and grinding of raw materials."

The seminar will be held from May 13 to 15, 2024 in Nizhny Novgorod and at the Syntez OKA enterprise.

At the seminar, it is supposed to hear reports by specialists of cement enterprises, domestic and foreign manufacturers of equipment and instruments for the cement industry.

          The report is expected to discuss the following issues:

- geological surveys, career net; automated systems for prospective, current and operational planning of mining operations;

- overburden work. Selective mining; quarry restoration;

- career hydrogeology; drainage systems in quarries;

- quarry equipment, mining combines, explosive technology for the extraction of raw materials and additives;

- machines and mechanisms for excavating and crushing rock - hydraulic and electric;

- excavators, bulldozers, graders, planners, loaders, mining machines, jaw, cone, roller, hammer crushers;

- equipment for transportation and storage of raw materials, averaging warehouses, warehouses for storage of raw materials and additives;

- quarry transport: railway, automobile, conveyor, ore pass;

- modern grinding plants: vertical roller mills, balers, centrifugal impact crushers, separators, etc .;

- grinding loading (composition of ball loading, degree of filling and mass of grinding media); energy exchange devices, grinding intensifiers;

- thinners, intensifiers and additives at all stages of cement production;

- bases of optimization of schemes for grinding raw materials;

- promising technological schemes of grinding without grinding bodies: aerofol, hydrophol, jet, etc.,

- reliability, durability of grinding equipment, wear of grinding media, armor lining, inter-chamber partitions;

- devices and equipment for monitoring the chemical and phase composition of raw materials, additives and raw materials charge;

- modernization of grinding equipment in Russia,

- on the possibility and expediency of cooperation of various engineering companies for the production of cement equipment, etc .;            

           Representatives of cement companies in Russia and CIS countries, heads and specialists of manufacturers of equipment and instruments are invited to the seminar. The seminar program provides for a field trip to the enterprise of the Synthesis OKA group of companies, as well as an interesting cultural program.

          We invite you personally, your colleagues, technical and commercial specialists to take part in the seminar.Генеральный директор                                                            

LLC "CemClub Company",

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Shubin V.I.


Gainutdinov Ruslan Maskutovich


Регламент семинара / Plan of the seminar






Приезд участников семинара и заселение в отель. Arrival of participants.                                                                                       

19:00 – 21:00 

Дружеский ужин. | Dinner.






Завтрак. | Breakfast.

09:30 – 10:00


Регистрация в холле отеля | Registration in hotel.

Переезд на предприятие «Синтез ОКА» | Sintez OKA Transfer.


Начало работы семинара (конференц-зал). | Beginning of the seminar.

Вступительное слово руководителя ООО «Компания Цемклуб» д.т.н,, профессора Шубина Владимира Ивановича.


Приветствие участников семинара от руководства «Синтез ОКА».

11:30 – 12:30

Семинар. | Seminar.

12:30 13:00 

Кофе-брейк. | Coffee break.

13:00 – 14:00 

Семинар. | Seminar.

14:00 – 15:00 


Обед. | Lunch.

Техническая экскурсия | Tech. excursion.

18:00 – 21:00

Дружеский ужин. | Dinner.

21:00 – 22:00

Переезд в отель | Hotel transfer.







Завтрак. | Breakfast.

10:30 12:00

Семинар в конференц-зале отеля. | Seminar in hotels congress hall.

12:00 12:30 

Кофе-брейк. | Coffee break.

12:30 13:30 

Семинар. | Seminar.


14:00 – 15:00

Завершение семинара, дискуссия.

Обед. | Lunch.

15:00 – 18:00

19:00 – 21:00

Культурная программа. | Cultural programm.

Дружеский ужин. | Dinner.






Отъезд. | Leaving.

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